Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Late Summer...

We seem to be fast approaching the end of the summer though the weather this weekend was glorious.

No.1 son has relocated to Germany with his girlfriend, they are staying with my Mum at the moment and are hoping to carve out a life for themselves over there. They have both just finished Uni and are very excited at the prospect of living together and I fervently hope that things will work out for them.

No.2 son is back at Uni in his second year, he moved into his first house with friends last weekend, also a big step. My boys are truly flying the nest. It was lovely having them both home for the summer and I miss them.

Today I am feeling a bit sorry for myself as I am full of cold and my throat feels like it is full of barbed wire. I'm having trouble concentrating and my head feels all fuzzy so I decided to try and distract myself with a bit of blogging. I have managed to do a little bit of scrapbooking over the last few weeks but my photography skills still leave plenty of room for improvement, at least when it comes to trying to photograph LOs in an attractive way!
I got the train to Bluewater on Saturday as the house was empty and had a look at the Creative Stitches and Hobbycraft Show at their new events venue. I was a little bit disappointed as almost everything was Christmas orientated (which I suppose was only to be expected at this time of year) but it's still good to know that a show like this will hopefully be on fairly regularly from now on, not too far from home.
And at least I got to indulge my love of Starbucks Soya Almond Cappuccino and a Salted Caramel and Pecan Bar. Oh my goodness how I love that little square of complete yumminess!
My OH is currently travelling the country for work and we are going to meet up in York later on in the week, which I'm insalely excited about as I have never been to York but have always wanted to go! I love visiting any place with a history and York has been on the list forever.
In the meantime I think I will go and find another packet of tissues and some more Cold & Flu tablets!
Much love,
Angie x