Thursday, 15 March 2012


I've had a strange old day today and have ended up feeling a little bit sorry for myself.
My Mum phoned this morning to let me know that the family can't come over for Easter for a variety of reasons, she sounded quite sad about it and I'm sad about it too. There was a little bit more to it than that, suffice it to say that I felt quite dumbstruck after the phonecall and took myself off for a wander round the local shops and a coffee to distract myself for a while, because I didn't feel like sitting at home going round and round in circles in my head.
Whilst out I started to feel a bit headachey and generally yucky, so I came home but then had to pop out again to run some errands, which I really didn't feel like doing but at least they're out of the way now.
All this, for some reason, made me think of the photo above which I took in Holyhead last week. I spotted this little cluster of emerging spring flowers in an otherwise still quite dry and wintery looking patch of ground. To me it symbolises hope and the fact that there's always something to look forward to even when things seem don't seem all that great. And some of the not so good news I had this morning also made me realise that I've got a lot to be thankful for. Which is nice. I think we need that reminder sometimes.

Friday, 9 March 2012

A little break

My other half has been working on Angelsey for a week, and as I am lucky enought to work part time from home, and my work is pretty much all done on a laptop, I have been able to join him. I have had quite a bit of time to myself and I made sure I brought some crafting stuff and some hookey, so in truth it's been a bit of a holiday for me really.
The weather has been a pretty mixed bag, windy more than anything and here is a picture of me out on a little stroll along the beach!
It was also veeery sunny, so the rays of light in the picture weren't deliberate - but I actually quite like them!
We are staying in a nice B&B in a huge room so I've been able to come and go as I please and spread out my craft stuff etc, read, watch a bit of TV - it has been quite blissful...
I brought a couple of chipboard books, an Easter paper pad and stickers with me and managed to make two Easter albums. All my family come over from Germany each Easter and I decided that I would prepare some albums as presents for them, which I will hopefully be able to fill with this year's photos of their stay before they go back so these albums aren't quite the finished article yet.

Not the best pictures in the world as they were taken with my I Phone by the window!
Now the weekend is nearly upon us, which the other half is very happy about, he has just got in from work very tired after a long week and now also full of cold so I'm off to administer some TLC. Hope you all have a great weekend.