Thursday, 29 December 2011

Another month

So it's been another month, seriously, where does the time go? I generally don't agree with new years resolutions ( I think you just set yourself up for heartache and procrastination) but there is so much I want to do in the new year that I feel I'm going to need some form of record or list or something along those lines to remind myself what it is that I want to do. I've never been a lover of routines but sometimes I wish I was more organised and less slap-dash because I end up not doing half of the things I've been wanting to do.
I've had a lovely Christmas, mostly just the four of us at home but we went to see the out-laws (I've always called them that but I do actually love them to bits) on Boxing Day which was hugely enjoyable and relaxing - so much that we were all yawning non-stop by about 5pm! But it was great fun.
Now the Christmas holidays are kind of over I am raring to do some crafting, I am ACHING to do some crafting but most of my supplies are in one of the boys bedrooms which is slowly being converted into my craft room now that he has started uni, but of course he is home for Christmas. I did pack a little emergency crafting kit for the holidays which is also in his room, so I'm having to wait until he gets out of bed! I suppose I could do some housework until then...